ERP Application
COST-REDUCTIONReduced administrative overheads. Less staff time supporting accounting activities.
CUSTOMIZATIONAffords customization for greater control and flexibility in its usage. Choose from the innumerable individual reports that the software already has or Gerate customized ones to suit your specific needs.
Seamlessly integrates with your existing accounting system at minimal cost and effort.
USER-FRIENDLYIts superior functionality, simple navigation and appealing screens makes easy to learn, easy to implement and easy to use. With just a basic accounting knowledge, any untrained personnel can use the software.
VERSATILITYThe generic nature of its Features suits a variety of business profiles ranging from sole proprietor to medium sized businesses to even large-scale businesses. Everyone can experience the same comfort-level irrespective of operations.
SCALABILITYYou can expand as your business grows. You can add numerous optional modules in addition to core modules over a period of time in a logical, easy and cost-effective manner.
SECURITYIts password / User control system ensures the sensitive functions and reports are protected, providing restricted access to your records and rendering them tamper-proof.