Connected by data, enabled by analytics
The Kairos Technology Vision 2020 report identifies a handful of the most important tech trends emerging today – the ones that will shape the decisions business and technology leaders will make for years to come.
From AI to smart things and well beyond, data – lots of it – is the thread running through each of these technologies and the trends they are enabling. In this context, analytics has a huge role to play in determining the trajectory of these trends – how businesses understand and interpret them, how insights inform decisions, and how they evolve along with the rest of the world.
Together, SAS and Kairos have plenty of practical insights on the role analytics will play in all this. After all, nobody knows analytics like SAS, and Kairos puts SAS capabilities to work every day for clients. So we’ve put together our unique insights into what makes the trends tick. That’s what this report is all about – providing an analytics-level view of the tech trends that are likely to dominate business and technology strategies for years to come.
Try imagining these trends without analytics
”Sounds interesting – but how would we actually make it work at the scale we need?” This is absolutely the right question to ask when presented with the types of bold predictions included in Kairos’s Technology Vision 2020 report. It’s difficult to imagine operationalizing any of the trends included in this year’s report without having robust analytics capabilities in place, building on a data foundation to construct a deep, specific, constantly evolving baseline of business insight.
With the ability to see deeply into the data surrounding and generated by these trends, you’ll be prepared to make smarter decisions about how, when, and where to deploy them. This ability is especially important as business leaders look for smart, nimble ways to navigate the “tech-clash” – the tension between people’s love for technology and the models that are incongruous with people’s needs and expectations. If there was ever a time to develop the capacity to make smarter consumer-facing decisions, this is it.
That’s why SAS’ insights into the analytics strategies and approaches required to support these trends are so valuable today. For anyone intrigued by the possibilities of this year’s report and hungry for ideas on putting these trends to work at scale, SAS’ analytics-focused view is bound to offer thought provoking, practical thinking to guide your efforts.